Waiting Children Featured Joey

We are looking for a loving adoptive family for a loving boy named Joey. Our team has had the pleasure of getting to know Joey over the past several years on our visits to Colombia and are always impressed with his sense of humor and outgoing nature.

Joey resides in a Children’s Home (institution) in Colombia where he is close with many of his caregivers.

Joey has faced many hardships in his young life, including severe physical abuse which caused him to lose his eyesight. This has also created situations where Joey has low frustration tolerance and understandably has difficulty trusting and relating to others. His caregivers describe him as intelligent, funny, affectionate and artistic. He enjoys singing and often performs with a microphone in front of large groups. Joey likes to play soccer and build things with Legos and make art projects. He yearns for a loving family to call his own.

When our team most recently met with Joey last Fall, he was proud to show off not only his Spanish language skills, but also the Portuguese he has been learning. Joey has a love of languages and is excited to improve his English.

If you or someone you know might be the right fit family for Joey, please contact our adoption team at 212-400-8150 or email us at [email protected]

If you receive and accept the referral of Joey through Spence-Chapin, you will benefit from the generosity of our new BriDen Adoption Fund, which can offset the costs of adopting an international Waiting Child. The BriDen Adoption Fund is made possible by the generosity of a Spence-Chapin family.

Waiting Children Inquiry Form

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Waiting Children Profiles

Thank you for your interest in adopting through Spence-Chapin! We are able to share the profiles of children who are considered to be the most in need and are waiting internationally to be matched with an adoptive family. The children featured on this page have been waiting for the longest to find families and consist of children who are older, part of a sibling group, or children with a diagnosed medical condition. In order to respect the privacy of these children, this page has been password protected.

Spence-Chapin takes the privacy rights of the children that we are seeking to place very seriously, and share the profile with you under the following conditions:

That you acknowledge and understand that

1. Misuse of the content, and/or linking to any sites that reflect practices that involve the sale, abduction, exploitation, or trafficking of children is strictly prohibited.

2. You have been given limited access to confidential information in the form of images that you will not disclose to any person or in any manner that is inconsistent with applicable policies and procedures of Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children.

3. The confidentiality obligation shall continue indefinitely, including at all times after my association with Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children.

4. You are not permitted to release, copy, distribute, or sell any of these images to third parties in any form.

5. Impermissible disclosure of the images may result in legal actions being taken against you, by or on behalf of that person.

6. You are doing this freely, voluntarily and with a full understanding of what you are agreeing to by entering/accessing this blog.

7. Thank you for your interest in providing a loving home for a waiting child! We look forward to connecting with you soon to continue discussing adoption paths at Spence-Chapin. We hope that you like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter, and keep up with our families through our adoption blog!

Warm regards,
The Adoption Team at Spence-Chapin

Phone: 212-400-8150
Email: [email protected]
