Ray & Marco

Ray Marco Cover Photo

Hi! We are Raygine (“Ray”), Marco, and “T”. We live in Brooklyn. We married in 2018 at a beautiful wedding surrounded by friends and family. “T” joined us in 2021 and everyday has been like living a dream, despite the obvious wonderful challenges that come with raising small kids . We have a child centered home grounded in love and designed for a kid’s independence. For example, we place hooks at our daughter’s height so that she can practice putting up her coat when she comes into the house or her doctor coat once she has given everyone in the house a check up. We believe that play is the work of the child and try to facilitate her imaginative play as much as possible. Our favorite things to do right now include dance parties and made up games that we play throughout the house. We love kids and fundamentally believe in respecting children, listening to children and valuing their perspectives.

We also really enjoy traveling as a family! In the last couple of years we’ve visited friends in a number of states.  Last summer we celebrated her birthday in California with best friends and their two year old daughter, followed by a trip to Puerto Rico with those same friends. For Christmas we enjoyed rituals and traditions with our family in Europe and meeting up with friends for outdoor dinners under heated lamps and wool blankets!

We have a large family which includes chosen family. We are so thrilled to grow our family through adoption. It is something that our family and loved ones are very excited about.

About Raygine (“Ray”):

About Raygine Ray

Descripción del trabajo
Professor & Chief Equity Officer

Sewing, Knitting, Reading, Hiking and or spending time in nature, Traveling, Learning a new language

Dato curioso
I can ride a unicycle and walk on stilts!

About Marco

About Marco

Descripción del trabajo
Lawyer and Executive Director

Bicycle Riding, Soccer, Building, Traveling

Dato curioso
I went to a soccer boarding school for high school.

About “T”

About T

Descripción del trabajo

Singing, being a firefighter, being a doctor, being a butterfly, dancing and having the best Imagination ever!

Dato curioso
I am very VERY good at making up songs and telling knock-knock jokes!

Nuestra vida

In the mornings we wake up and our daughter plays while we make breakfast. One of us walks Obie. Following breakfast, we get dressed and one of us takes our daughter to school. Our walks to school are when we talk about what she is excited about and what we will do after school. While she is at school, we work from home. Our workday usually ends when it is time to pick her up from school. We try to go outside and play every day after school. One of our family values is that there is no bad weather, only bad clothing! On most days we like to meet up with friends at the playground, the children’s museum or the Botanic Garden. When we get home we play, eat, have bathtime and read stories before bed. On the weekends “T” attends an art class, ‘mommy and me’ swimming and soccer. We also spend the weekends visiting with friends and family.

Nuestra Familia

Ray: My mother, father and sister are extremely important to me. My sister and I speak every day and she comes over often. My parents visit at least once a week and we have a regular outing to the Botanic Garden. A number of my friends are also a central part of our daughter’s life. She calls them “aunty” and knows their children are her cousins! I feel grateful to have gathered friends over the course of my life who are now family.

Marco: Even though my mother and sister live in Denmark, my mother visits us every six months! My mother facetimes “T” often and brings wonderful gifts when she visits. One of my greatest memories so far is when my mom accompanied me to go pick up “T” from school. They were both so happy. When my mother stays with us, “T” wakes up early to go and knock on her door.

Reflexiones finales

We admire and appreciate the care that you are taking throughout this process. We love being parents and would be honored to bring another child into our family to love and nurture. We thank you for taking time to learn about us and we look forward to learning more about you.

-Ray and Marco

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestro Equipo de Adopción en 212-400-8150 o envíanos un correo electrónico a [email protected].


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