HENRY, United States

Featured image Henry

We are looking for a loving, permanent family for a sweet newborn baby boy named Henry.

Henry was born the last week of December, 2024, in Upstate New York. Henry is of Chinese descent. He was born full-term, weighing 6.5 pounds. Soon after his birth, Henry began to experience some respiratory distress, a weak cry and some dysmorphic features of both of Henry’s ears were observed.  Henry was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where he currently remains. The NICU staff is taking wonderful care of Henry while he is undergoing testing to explore his medical diagnosis and needs. In the meantime, Henry responds well to being held and cuddled by both visitors and hospital staff.

Genetic testing is still pending but Henry presents clinically with CHARGE syndrome. Henry has several ocular anomalies which result in the prognosis that he will have significant visual impairment of his left eye and an uncertain level of visual impairment of his right eye. Testing has shown that Henry also has bilateral vestibular hypoplasia and absent semicircular canals.  Subsequently, it is very likely that Henry will either be significantly hearing impaired or he will be deaf in both ears. An ECHO of Henry’s heart detected a PDA/PFO. Henry has laryngomalacia and has difficulty taking a bottle.  Henry recently had a G-tube placed through which he will be fed until his ability to take nutrition by mouth improves.

Henry’s parents were unaware that Henry would be born with multiple medical needs.  They are young and feel both unprepared and incapable of giving Henry the level of care he requires. Henry’s parents have asked Spence-Chapin to find a loving home for their son and adoptive parents who can provide Henry with everything he needs. They want Henry to have every opportunity to have the best life possible.

If you would like to be considered as a forever family through Spence-Chapin’s Domestic Special Needs Adoption Program, please submit our free Solicitud previa para adopción nacional con necesidades especiales and send us a copy of your current home study (home visit completed within the past 12 months), conducted by a licensed adoption agency. Families living anywhere in the United States are welcome to apply. We are unable to consider families that do not have a current home study, or a home study completed by an independent social worker.



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