Andrew & Renee

Coverpage 14

Hi there! Thank you for choosing to look at our profile and considering us as a possible adoptive family for your child. We are Andrew and Renee and have been happily married for five years, but we have been sharing our lives together since a little after we met after graduating from college. We both grew up in Queens and now live in a spacious Kew Gardens apartment, that we purchased 4 years ago, that has access to a lush backyard, grilling area and game room. We have a kitty named Vida who we found while living on our old street back in Brooklyn. She loves cuddling on laps, chasing string and sleeping in the sun spots that dapple our apartment during the day. Our apartment is right next to Forest Park, in Queens, where we go bike riding, skateboarding, roller skating, riding the carousel and occasionally horseback riding. Our parents all live close by to us and are very excited to take on grandparent duties and help with the raising of a child. Starting a family is something that we’ve always dreamed of doing, and given the opportunity, we would provide your child a home filled with love, support and comfort so that they can grow into a beautiful person with a healthy mind and a caring heart.

About Andrew


Job Description
Operations and Purchasing Manager for IT company

Writing and recording music, barbecuing ribs and pulled pork, skateboarding, snowboarding, cooking and baking bread.

Fun Fact
Lover of the holidays and he decorates a shelf, “Holiday Nook,” in our apartment with miniature houses and ornaments that represent and celebrate that specific time of year. He also sets up a train set during Christmas that is quickly growing each year and taking over the living room.

About Renee


Job Description
Designer of Children’s Backpacks

Painting, drawing and designing, playing trivia and outdoor games with friends, spending time in nature and reading while cuddling with our cat.

Fun Fact
Renee enjoyed roller skating as a kid and recently got a new pair of skates so she could relearn how to do it.

Our Lives

If there is one thing that is a constant in our lives, it is that there’s always laughter in our home. We are always singing made up parody songs in the kitchen when cooking dinner together, performing ridiculous impressions in our living room and just being silly whenever the mood strikes for the joy of seeing a smile grow on each other’s face.

We love to go camping in Upstate New York and in Connecticut several times a year with friends of ours, where we cook outdoors, hike, swim, explore nature, sit by the fire and tell stories and just enjoy getting away from the hecticness of city life.

Having both grown up in New York, we also never take for granted how special this city is and we try to take advantage of all that it has to offer. We visit museums, go to music concerts, restaurants and free outdoor events whenever possible. We especially love doing karaoke with friends in the city. Ain’t no shame in the karaoke game.

Given the opportunity, we would love to share our world with a child and take them on all the adventures that we go on.

Our Family

We are so thankful that there is no shortage of supportive and loving family in our world. We have very close relationships with all our parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, as well as all our cousins and all their children. We are very fortunate that most of our family live close by and we are able to see them quite often. We get together for holidays, family dinners, go out for brunches and have barbecues in the backyard when the weather is nice. Our newest addition to the family is a newborn baby girl that Renee’s cousin recently started fostering. The whole family has been so excited to get to know this sweet little girl and to see their relationship grow and how happy they are. We know how lucky we are to be a part of the loving and giving family that we are connected to and they want nothing more than to share their love and support with you and your child.

Final Thoughts

“Thank you again for taking the time to get to know us and our family. We would be so happy and honored to start this journey of adoption with you and your child. Were you to choose us, please know that your child’s life would be filled with constant support, comfort, laughter, many grandparents and family, access to good schools, bedtime stories, playtime in the park, a multitude of opportunities in life and the security of always knowing they will be loved by many people who want to see them succeed and become whatever they want to be in this world.”

-Andrew & Renee

To learn more , contact our Adoption Team at 212-400-8150 or email us at [email protected].


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