We met in 2011 and dropped everything to create a life and future together, the true whirlwind NYC way. We are a family of 3 (Leigh, Corey & Joseph), + 1 cat (Milo), + 1 dog (Rosa), + 1 leopard gecko (Baby Queena-named by Joseph) and we love to fill our days with dancing, pancakes, and playdough. Joseph arrived in 2016 and has made our lives more exciting and joyful than we ever imagined possible. We do most things together – getting dressed, eating meals, brushing teeth, grocery shopping, and traveling the world together (Joseph’s favorite has been Morocco). We believe home is a thing you bring with you wherever you are. We’re always planning our next adventure, whether it’s a new museum or visiting our family in Australia. Joseph is always busy exploring outside or creating something new in our apartment (making a tower out of cans in the panty, or taking printer paper, cutting it into tiny pieces, and creating a collage on construction paper with glue, stickers and puff balls!).
About Corey

Job Description
Operations and Purchasing Manager for IT company
Running, gym, yoga, reading, going to plays/artsy stuff, collecting baseball cards, going to sporting events, growing tricky house plants, taking care of animals, traveling
Fun Fact
I was bitten by a dog in Costa Rica, on our Honeymoon, and had to get rabies shots!
About Leigh

Job Description
Birth/Postpartum Doula & Executive Assistant at a Hedge Fund
Biking, yoga, cooking/baking, traveling, scrapbooking, knitting, singing, planning adventures, playing guitar/piano, reading
Fun Fact
I moved to NYC on a whim with two suitcases, no place to live, and a dream. 10 years later, NYC has truly become my forever home.
About Joseph

Job Description
Explorer of all things
Biking, scootering, playing at the playground, going to the beach, visiting family, sending pen pal notes, painting, playing with cars/Legos/trains, picking flowers, playing catch, picking up trash, snuggling, story-time, cleaning/tidying, cooking, collecting (rocks, sticks, bugs, seashells, nuts/bolts, pennies)
Fun Fact
I know how to do a 3-point-turn in my Power-Wheels Jeep on the sidewalks of Astoria!
Our Lives
Our lives are full of adventure and nearly every meal is home cooked. Joseph attends a small, Montessori Daycare/School and loves to take care of the babies littler than he is. After school, he loves to help Mama chop and prepare dinner (favorite meal is Lahanodomades) and loves to play cars and trucks with Papa. Whenever Joseph shows a curiosity about something, we try to explain it, demonstrate it, show how it works, or make a craft exploring just that. Did you know Tarantulas shoot their belly hairs at their prey?! Our day-to-day life is teaching, explaining, and answering all the “why’s?” – it makes for some very exciting meal-time conversations. We love our beach Saturdays in the Summer and hiking Saturdays in the Fall. Our lives revolve around our son, and we try to envelope him in love and confidence so he is free to be whoever he can imagine. After Joseph goes to bed, we like to watch trending shows on Hulu/Netflix or plan the next BIG thing!
Our Family
We love to be with family, near and far. We have an Aunt & Uncle down the street that love to bike ride with Joseph. Another Uncle lives in Brooklyn and comes over for dinner frequently. Both our extended families live in Virginia, which we visit as often as we can, making sure we explore the mountains, rivers, and lakes while we are there. Joseph’s favorite activity in Virginia is looking under the hood of his Uncle’s sports car or riding the lawn mower with Popsi. Leigh has family in Greece and Australia that we try to visit every few years. When we are local, most Saturday’s are for adventures – museums, a new park, scavenger hunts, or visiting our friends upstate to play with their two daughters and make a fire with s’mores. Joseph loves when we chase him around the playground or race him home on his scooter. We live in a co-op with a playground out front and walking paths to safely run around and play.
Religion in Which the Child Will be Raised
We are Catholic and try to recognize God’s greatness in all things and the goodness all around us. We try to acknowledge that and be respectful and mindful of others in our day to day.
Final Thoughts
“We are deeply grateful to be considered during this difficult journey. We believe with enough love and support the toughest situations can be made a little bit brighter. We hope to be this to not only the baby, but you as well.”
-Corey and Leigh