I am a single woman living in New York City. I love that I have my “city” life and my “island” life, as I am from a Caribbean Island originally. I went to an international school in Wales (UK) and have friends all over the globe. The experience set me up for my career with the UN, and for living in NYC, both of which are multicultural. I love that the child I will parent will grow up with this as “normal.”
About Dee

Job Description
International Civil Servant
Travel, reading, dancing, and going out with friends
Fun Fact
I know it’s strange, but my favorite food is oatmeal. It just warms my heart and makes me feel cozy! As for sports, I am terrible at athletics but was a huge “joiner in” at school and would try everything. I learned to drive late in life (age 31) and in Bosnia. It was quite the experience! Unfortunately, I haven’t driven since: I don’t really need a car in NYC but perhaps one day I will get one.
My Life
I am so excited to have a child in my life! We have three new babies in our family, all girls, and it will be so cool that they will have another cousin. I work full-time so I will cherish evenings playing with and reading to this child. Later, there will be the usual rounds of after school and weekend activities, such as sports or music lessons. And I hope they develop a love for water: whether splashing in the bathtub, jumping in puddles, or dodging ocean waves. Having grown up on beaches, this is something I hope to share.
My Family
My immediate family is small, just my brother and me. However, I have loads of cousins, including here in the NYC area, and they are very dear to me. I enjoy being with them and my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. We always have such a good time catching up on our lives, and laughing at memories. I also love going home and meeting up with family there but also friends, some of whom I have known since kindergarten. I cannot wait for this child to be a part of our celebrations and to share in the richness of two cultures!
Final Thoughts
“I cannot express how grateful I feel to be a part of this process. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to parent this child. My goal is to not only raise a healthy and happy child but rather a healthy, happy, and decent adult we can all be proud of.”