
  •  2 月 24, 2022
     下午 6:00 - 下午 7:00

Join us to learn about our Colombia Adoption Program. Our Colombia Adoption Program is open to singles, married couples, unmarried couples, and welcomes LGBTQ+ parents. In this webinar, we will detail the pathways to adopt from Colombia, including pathways available to individuals without Colombian Heritage as well as pathways available to individuals who hold a Colombian Cedula. We will share information about the system of child protection in in Colombia and will share photos of some of the children’s homes where children reside while in protective care. We will discuss common medical and special needs of children who are awaiting adoption in Colombia. We will speak about eligibility factors for prospective adoptive parents in Colombia. Bring your questions – we’ll save time for Q&A.



** 我们选择 Go to Webinar 平台,是因为在探索阶段,一些家庭尚未准备好与他人分享他们收养孩子的愿望,并且在 Go to Webinar 中,其他参与者看不到您的姓名和面孔。但我们始终乐于支持家庭建立收养社区!如果您确实准备好与其他收养前或收养父母建立联系,请告诉我们,我们可以为那些希望与其他家庭建立联系的人提供介绍。**
