Lifebook Workshop (Ages 5-10)

  •  3 月 26, 2022
     下午 1:00 - 下午 4:00

Adoptive parents and their children aged 5-10 years old are invited to join us for an afternoon of creativity, introspection, and structured exploration of their adoption story. Through this community-building event, adoptive parents and their children will also have the unique opportunity to meet other families and create new friendships. Parents will be asked to bring special items that represent their child’s story and where they were born including photos (copies are fine). All other creative materials will be provided by Spence-Chapin.

此次活动在 Spence-Chapin 曼哈顿办公室举行。活动期间将提供小吃和茶点,并要求全程佩戴口罩。


东 16 街 120 号, 11 楼, 纽约, 纽约, 10003, 美国
