6 月 14, 2023
下午 6:00 - 下午 7:30
Our next Teen Voices of Adoption (TVOA) will be on June 14 from 6-7:30pm EST via Zoom! Teen Voices of Adoption is a space created by Adoptees for Adoptees! Teen Adoptees 13-17 years old, born internationally and domestically are invited to share in this open space to meet, connect, and create community via discussion. Hosted by Jessica M. Luciere, a transracial Adoptee and Adoptee Advocate. This is a FREE virtual event for adopted people only.
青少年领养之声 (VOA) 的注册必须由父母或监护人完成。青少年领养之声仅对 13-17 岁的青少年领养者开放。
地点: 飞涨