We are looking for an adoptive family for a caring boy named Owen. Owen is currently living in a Children’s Home (institution) in Colombia and is attending school in the first grade.
Owen continues to make developmental and emotional progress daily through the support of his caregivers and therapists and managed medication. He loves to play soccer, color and play with his friends. He says he wants to be a police officer when he grows up.
Children like Owen, who are considered ‘waiting children’ generally have multi-faceted characteristics and needs which exceed the common characteristics and needs of children otherwise placed in one of our international programs. We are looking for the right family for waiting children because of their unique needs and vulnerabilities.
More information about Owen and his specific needs can be received after speaking with a member of our team at 212-400-8150 或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]
If you receive and accept the referral of Owen through Spence-Chapin, you will benefit from the generosity of our new BriDen Adoption Fund, which can offset the costs of adopting an international Waiting Child. The BriDen Adoption Fund is made possible by the generosity of a Spence-Chapin family.
感谢您有兴趣通过 Spence-Chapin 领养孩子!我们可以分享那些被认为最需要帮助、正在国际上等待与领养家庭配对的儿童的资料。此页面上列出的儿童等待家庭的时间最长,包括年龄较大的儿童、兄弟姐妹或患有疾病的儿童。为了尊重这些儿童的隐私,此页面已设置密码保护。
Spence-Chapin 非常重视我们所寻求安置的儿童的隐私权,并在以下条件下与您分享个人资料:
1. 严禁滥用内容和/或链接到任何反映买卖、绑架、剥削或贩卖儿童行为的网站。
2. 您被授予以图像形式访问机密信息的有限权限,您不得向任何人披露这些信息,也不得以任何与 Spence-Chapin 家庭和儿童服务相关政策和程序不一致的方式披露这些信息。
3. 保密义务应无限期持续,包括在我与斯宾塞-查宾家庭与儿童服务中心合作之后的所有时间。
5. 非法披露图像可能会导致您或代表该人采取法律行动。
6. 您是自由、自愿地这样做的,并且完全了解您进入/访问此博客所同意的内容。
7. 感谢您有兴趣为等待领养的孩子提供一个充满爱的家!我们期待很快与您联系,继续讨论 Spence-Chapin 的领养途径。我们希望您在 Facebook 上点赞我们,在 Twitter 上关注我们,并通过我们的领养博客了解我们家庭的最新动态!
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