Noah & Rena

Hi! We are Noah and Rena, and this is our daughter Livya. We are a loving family of 3 (with a large extended family!) We met at sleepaway camp as children and started dating after college. We got married in 2010 and Livya joined our family in 2015. We have a happy and cozy home, where we love to sing, listen to broadway show soundtracks, read books, and enjoy each other’s company. We LOVE living in NYC, and enjoying all the parks, playgrounds, and views of the Hudson. We are so lucky to have Livya’s Grammy and Papa (Rena’s parents) and her Savta (Noah’s Mom) close by in New Jersey. We love to go to their houses on the weekends, spend quality time with them and enjoy the best parts of the suburbs. Livya has cousins just a short drive from the city, and loves to play with them in their backyards, climbing, running, and riding scooters, and bikes around their neighborhoods. We can’t wait to grow our family through adoption, it is something we have always wanted to do.

About Noah

Director of Marketing and Business Development for a non profit start up

Playing games with Rena and Livya, playing golf, watching college football, seeing broadway shows

I am a fan of the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers – Go big red!

About Rena

RA Headshot 2021

Child Development Consultant

Reading, listening to music, learning through podcasts, playing games, seeing live theater

I am trained singer and used to sing the national anthem at my college’s basketball games

About Livya

Livya 2021

Aspiring Big Sister

Reading, going to school, ballet, yoga, playdates and sleepovers with cousins and friends

Livya is a Guess Who? champion! It’s her favorite game


Our daily lives are happy and full. Livya loves going to school and we work both from home and at offices in the city. One of us picks Livya up when school is over and our afternoons are filled with homework, ballet, yoga, and making dinner. In the evenings, we are all home to spend time as a family before Livya’s bedtime where we sing a song, read books, and give lots of hugs and kisses. Weekends are family time and are spent observing the Sabbath, which we do by having dinner with friends or family, attending services at our synagogue, and having playdates. We love to see our extended family on the weekends and sometimes take trips to visit friends in other cities, and to escape the cold in the winter. While we love playing in the snow, we love the beach even more! In the summer we take trips to our family’s house on the Jersey Shore.


We have a daughter named Livya. She is a sweet, funny, cautious child. She is thriving in school and shares our love of the weekends. Livya has many cousins and friends and she loves to be social, but also enjoy what she calls a “home day” where we hang out at home, just the three of us, watching movies, reading books, playing school, and doctor (her favorite!) We have awesome parks in our neighborhood and like to take adventures to museums and parks in other parts of the city too.


“We deeply respect your decision to consider placing your child for adoption. We thank you for taking the time to learn about us, and we hope we get the chance to learn more about you too. We are a loving family, with more love to give. Our future child has grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a sister waiting for their arrival – there is a lot of love here and we will feel blessed to bring a new baby into our family.”

-Noah & Rena

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