Chris & Upal

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us! We met in 2008, and have been together ever since. We come from different backgrounds and have different tastes: Upal is a scientist from India who likes pop music and sitcoms, and Chris is a sociologist from New Jersey who enjoys rock music and dramas. But we also have a lot in common: we love chocolate and penguins, share a strong set of common values, and make each other laugh with our goofy humor. We come from close-knit and loving families and would be excited to welcome a child into ours. Each year we’ve been together has strengthened our desire to become fathers and we are ready to begin this journey.

About Chris


Sociology Professor

Reading, listening to music, going to museums, movies, board games, traveling

I have a weakness for freshly made cream cheese icing, love to eat it straight from the mixing bowl. It reminds me of the carrot cakes that my grandmother used to make when I was a kid!

About Upal


Patient Advocate / Director of Cancer Research

I love science fiction and supernatural-themed movies and books and can spend hours absorbed in a good sci-fi story. I also love going to museums, walking around New York, and spending time with my family and friends.

I trained in Indian classical and Western dancing as a child and teenager. Even today, all it takes me is a few seconds to start moving to a good beat. I have been caught dancing in the subway.


We rent an apartment in Stuyvesant Town, a quiet, kid-friendly neighborhood in Manhattan. There is a playground right outside our building and we often imagine playing there with a little one. In our free time, we enjoy visiting new places, learning about their history and culture, and trying new foods. We look forward to introducing our child to everything that we find beautiful and interesting, and letting them re-introduce us to the wondrous parts of the everyday world that we overlook. We see ourselves with them as we walk through Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, watch a sunset from a lookout point in the Adirondacks, and curl up on the sofa with popcorn and a Pixar movie.


For the last eight years, we have shared an apartment with Upal’s brother Ujjal and our friend Lalitha. We often eat dinner together and talk as we wind down our days. Both are employed – Lalitha in health care and Ujjal in financial services – and are looking forward to becoming an aunt and uncle. We are also very close to our immediate families, who are warm, welcoming, and extremely supportive of our plans to adopt. In fact, they are already starting to fill our apartment with baby furniture, toys, and books! Upal grew up in India, and we see his family regularly; we have taken several trips to Mumbai, and his parents, sister, and niece have all visited us in New York. Chris’ family lives in New Jersey, and his parents live across the street from his brother, sister-in-law, and nieces. We visit them frequently for holidays and family birthdays, and the nieces are already excited about having a new cousin to play with!


“Thank you for reading our profile and for considering us as a part of your adoption plan. If you choose to place your child with us, we promise to celebrate their victories, console them in their defeats, and always provide them with our unconditional love and support.”

– Chris & Upal

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