Falcons vs Raiders Game

  •  diciembre 16, 2024
     8:30 pm - 11:00 pm

IMG 20241215 085330At Spence-Chapin, we believe in the power of community to create lasting change, that all children deserve a loving family, and that we all have the ability to be champions. That is why we are so proud to be represented through the NFL Mi causa, mis tacos campaign, nominated by NFL Las Vegas Raiders Director of Team Growth & Development, Daryl Nelson. This December 16th, be sure to watch the Las Vegas Raiders play the Atlanta Falcons, and look for Daryl Nelson’s custom designed Game Day shoes, which were created from the heart and soul of what Spence-Chapin means for Daryl and his family.

By supporting Spence-Chapin on Game Day, you can help more families know the joy of love and support.




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