Morocco Program Update March 2012

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We continue to be extremely optimistic about the launch of our newest program in Marruecos, and the relationships that we have forged with three orphanages across the country. Recruitment of Muslim families for this program continues to be our highest priority as we seek additional pilot families to join those already in process. Please tell anyone you know who might be interested to call us at 212-400-8150 for more info! Spence-Chapin has been asked to find families for a number of waiting boys and girls ranging in age from 6-12. These children are ready to be immediately matched with families through our School-Aged Children Placement Initiative. Families for these children must meet the Moroccan-eligibility guidelines outlined on our website.

Morocco is a spectacularly beautiful country that is the focus of all kinds of art and literature, providing inspiration for creative people from all corners of the world. Check out a few books for kids and adults alike:

Para saber más contáctenos en

212-400-8150 o envíanos un correo electrónico a [email protected].
