Hello! We are Steve and Lauren. Ever since our second date, when we had a sword fight with foam noodles at Toys R Us, we knew we had each found our soul mate. Nine years later and we are still goofing off, but now with our amazing adopted five year old son, Michael. We cannot wait for him to have a brother or sister for us to adore and to join in Michael’s hijinks. We are looking forward to us all splashing in the pool and swinging and sliding on the playground by our northern Westchester home. We love being outdoors and making friends around the community. We are eager to bring both of our children to baseball games, tennis matches and amusement parks, as well as spending time at home reading and playing games. We have a great supportive family nearby who are excited to shower their love on our new addition.
About Lauren

Job Description
Children’s Librarian and Super-Mom
Being the social butterfly, cuddling on the couch with a good book, hiking, playing tennis and being silly.
Fun Fact
I conquered my fear of flying to be able to take my students on a trip of a lifetime to Rome. It was incredible!! Since then, I have traveled to over 15 different countries and cannot wait for more.
About Steve

Job Description
Technical Leader and more importantly, Dad
Avid baseball and hockey fan, technology maven, proficient photographer and kid at heart.
Fun Fact
I am a huge Yankee fan and have traveled the country going to games. I have had my baseball photography published. I also have been lucky enough to be in luxury suites at Yankee Stadium, been on TV in the first row, and even got to try on a World Series ring!
About Michael

Job Description
Expert preschooler and Junior Paleontologist
Running, jumping, playing all sports and knowing everything there is to know about dinosaurs
Our Life
We live a very informal, relaxed, and fun lifestyle. While we work extremely hard and want to impose those values into our children’s lives, more important than anything else is being able to enjoy each other. Our weekends are dominated by children and family activities – and we love it! Splashing each other in the pool, going on swings together in one of our amazing neighborhood playgrounds, exploring children’s museums and most importantly, spending time with each other, friends and family. They are always stopping by! To us, being able to have a relationship with our child is more important than having a lot of money and a giant house. We are also big Yankee fans and the baseball game is always on. We love traveling near and far, and are looking forward to sharing that with our children.
Our Family
Michael, our five-year-old son, is so full of energy and can’t wait to have a brother or sister to run around with, like he does with his cousins. He loves swimming, reading, art, and any sport involving a ball. While he loves to test the limits, we are proud to say he has a huge heart, along with an infectious smile and laugh. Due to his amazing personality, he is well known everywhere he goes. We are both lucky enough to have parents and extended families close by. Michael loves all his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and especially his cousins. We also know if we ever need any help, one, or usually more, will be there to help.
Final Thoughts
“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. We know how difficult a decision this must be for you and respect you so much for wanting the best for your child. Hopefully, we have shown you that that we can provide a loving, nurturing and fun environment… the life you want him or her to have. Whatever decision you ultimately make, we trust that you will do what is best for you. We hope that includes our family.”
-Lauren & Steve