There are many different layers of eligibility requirements for prospective adoptive parents that are imposed by both the United States and a child’s birth country. Such parameters may include age, marital status, health background, and sexual orientation of prospective adoptive parents, among other factors. We’re happy to confirm that there are international adoption pathways for all types of families, including applicants in their 20s to late 50s, single men & single women, married and unmarried couples, LGBTQ+ applicants, and families of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, and of any religion or of no religious faith.
Because international adoption is a form of immigration itself, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, or “USCIS,” requires that one adoptive parent – or the sole applicant – be a U.S. citizen.
At Spence-Chapin, we have international adoption programs in South Africa, Colombia, Jamaica and the Eastern Caribbean
South Africa encourages adoption applications from single men and women, gay and lesbian applicants, and married couples living throughout the United States. Applicants 48 and older should consult with Spence-Chapin. South Africa may have allowances for non-married couples to adopt jointly and we are happy to explore this more deeply with prospective adoptive parents. Please read more at
Colombia welcomes applications from single men and women, married and unmarried couples, heterosexual and LGBTQ+ parents living throughout the United States. Spence-Chapin supports American families seeking to adopt from Colombia and has pathways for applicants with or without Colombian Heritage. Families in which one adoptive applicant – or the sole applicant if you are adopting as a single – holds a Colombian Cedula and Passport, are eligible to adopt a child without identified medical special needs. For families without Colombian Heritage, the Colombia adoption program is a great program for families seeking to adopt a child with special needs or a child who is older. Please see more at
Jamaica and the Eastern Caribbean welcomes applications from single men and women, as well as heterosexual married couples living throughout the United States. Unmarried couples, LGBTQ applicants, and applicants 50 and older should consult with Spence-Chapin. Our Caribbean Adoption Programs support families who are looking to adopt their relatives or children who are known to them through our Kinship & Kinship+ and supports families who do not currently have an identified child or family member they are looking to adopt, but want to grow their family through adoption, and feel the Eastern Caribbean would be a good fit.