Build your family through adoption from Colombia.

Spence-Chapin began its adoption program in Colombia in 1994 in order to find permanent, loving families for infants, toddlers, pre-school and school-age children in need of adoption. 

For many children, international adoption is the only possible route to a permanent family. Spence-Chapin offers two pathways to pursue adoption from Colombia: our Colombia Adoption Program, which is open to families of all backgrounds, and our Colombia Heritage Adoption Program which is open to families of Colombian descent.

Colombia is a Hague Convention Country. Spence-Chapin’s foreign supervised provider in Colombia is Carmen Elena Támara García.

View our events calendar to register for an upcoming free Colombia Adoption Webinar!

Ready to adopt from Colombia? Click the “apply now” button below to complete our FREE application. We look forward to getting to know your family.

Interested in a different country? We also have international adoption programs in South Africa, Jamaica and the Eastern Caribbean. If you would like to adopt from a country other than the three we currently work with, we can do your international home study to get your process started!

Where Is


Colombia Adoption Program

There are thousands of children with special characteristics in Colombia waiting for a permanent family to love them. In Colombia, there are children of all ages in need of families, as well as sibling groups and children living with identified needs ranging from minor/correctable to lifelong. We work with our partners in Colombia to identify children who are in need of immediate adoption. Families pursuing adoption from Colombia may apply to adopt a pre-identified Waiting Child or to be matched with a child through traditional registration of their dossier in Colombia, based on eligibility and openness around age and medical needs.

Please visit our waiting child page to learn more about waiting children in Colombia.

Children in need of adoption

  • Gender: Male and Female*
  • Race/Ethnicity: Colombian, Afro-Colombian, Mestizo Colombian*
  • Ages: 1-10 years old at the time of referral, including siblings between the ages of 2-10 years old.
  • Special characteristics: Children placed in this program have a range of special needs. The Colombian adoption authority thoroughly evaluates each child’s developmental, social and medical functioning. Additionally, you will have an opportunity to further evaluate the specific needs and abilities of the child referred to your family as the following common characteristics might impact individual children differently.
    • Global developmental delays
    • Behavioral & learning d/o which in protective care are often managed with medication
    • History of abuse or neglect: It is common that children in Colombia enter protection due to having experienced abuse or neglect which can include physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and physical or emotional neglect
    • Birth family background: in Colombia, typically birth family is known, therefore we commonly know that children have experienced in-utero substance exposure and are at risk of heritable mental health conditions
    • Medical conditions: families who are open to chronic medical needs such as CP, seizure disorder, or down syndrome may be matched more quickly

Adoptive Parent Eligibility

  • Age: Families 25-55 years old must be open to a minimum specified age range of 0-5 years old at the time of referral or a sibling group of two, 0-6 years old. Families 56-59 years old are eligible to adopt a child 6-9 years old at the time of referral, or a sibling group of two where the oldest child is 7-9 years old.
  • Marital Status: Colombia encourages applications from single persons, married couples, heterosexual and LGBTQ parents living throughout the United States. Individuals with more than one divorce should consult with Spence-Chapin.
  • Single applicants must hold U.S. citizenship; for partnered/married applicants, only one applicant must hold U.S. citizenship.
  • Medical: Identified medical conditions, including mental health diagnosis, will be considered on a case by case basis by the country’s Central Authority, Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar.

Wait Time & Travel

  • Predicted wait time to be matched with a child: Approximately 12-24 months after submission of the dossier.*
  • Travel: In order to complete the adoption process, families will be required to make one trip to Colombia of approximately 4-6 weeks in length. Couples must both travel to country and be present for finalization in court.

*There is no wait time to be matched for families pursuing the adoption of a waiting child. Families pursuing the adoption of a waiting child can anticipate the entire process to take 12-18 months. Families seeking to adopt a specific waiting child should be previously home studied or be willing to undergo additional pre-screening before entering the program since dossier submission must occur within 6 months of submitting a letter of intent to adopt a specific waiting child.

Meet Carmen Elena!

Carmen Elena Tamara Garcia has worked with Spence-Chapin families for over a decade. Carmen Elena manages all processes within Colombia for your family and is a vital partner in your adoption process at all phases. Her work on behalf of your family begins even before your dossier is submitted. Carmen Elena holds degrees in both psychology and law, with a focus on family law. She supports adoptive families through the legal process in Colombia and is able to offer emotional support in the journey of new parenthood.

Carmen Elena is always happy to recommend restaurants, playgrounds, attractions, and events to fill your time in Colombia! She splits her time between Bogota and Cartagena.


Spence-Chapin prides itself on transparency of fee disclosures. In any intercountry adoption process, families will incur professional services fees from their primary adoption service provider as well as third-party and travel costs. Spence-Chapin’s professional services fees reflect the work and support dedicated to your family. Spence-Chapin’s professional services fees are paid in installments as your case reaches new milestones.  


Local Families**

Non-Local Families***

Spence-Chapin Fees

$16,565, payable in five installments across your adoption process

$14,065, payable in four installments across your adoption process

Total Estimated Third-Party Fees



Estimated Travel Expenses



Total Estimated Cost of Adoption before the Federal Adoption Tax Credit*



* The Federal Adoption Tax Credit is an income-dependent tax credit for qualified adoption expenses which can be taken as credit when you file taxes for the year of adoption finalization; in 2023 the maximum adoption tax credit is $15,950 per child. Read more here. 

**Local families are families who live in New York or New Jersey, and within 100 miles of Spence-Chapin’s Manhattan office, for whom Spence-Chapin is providing home study and post-placement/post-adoption reporting services. See full fee disclosures here for Local Families. 

***Non-local families are families who live more than 100 miles from Spence-Chapin’s Manhattan office, or who live outside of New York or New Jersey, who will have their home study and post-placement/post-adoption reporting services completed by an agency licensed in their jurisdiction. See full fee disclosures here for Networking Families. 


Local Families**

Non-Local Families***

Spence-Chapin Fees

$18,815, payable in five installments across your adoption process

$16,315, payable in four installments across your adoption process

Total Estimated Third-Party Fees



Estimated Travel Expenses



Total Estimated Cost of Adoption before the Federal Adoption Tax Credit*



*The Federal Adoption Tax Credit is an income-dependent tax credit for qualified adoption expenses which can be taken as credit when you file taxes for the year of adoption finalization; in 2023 the maximum adoption tax credit is $15,950 per child. Read more here. 

**Local families are families who live in New York or New Jersey, and within 100 miles of Spence-Chapin’s Manhattan office, for whom Spence-Chapin is providing home study and post-placement/post-adoption reporting services. See full fee disclosures here for Local Families. 

***Non-local families are families who live more than 100 miles from Spence-Chapin’s Manhattan office, or who live outside of New York or New Jersey, who will have their home study and post-placement/post-adoption reporting services completed by an agency licensed in their jurisdiction. See full fee disclosures here for Networking Families. 

Financial Coaching for your adoption

Spence-Chapin has partnered with the experts at Your Adoption Finance Coach to provide our families with free access to experts, tools and content that can take the worry out of financing your adoption. This service is available at no additional cost to families. Free financial coaching is available to families once an application has been received and approved for one of our adoption programs, including our domestic and international home study services! Please contact us to learn more.


Spence-Chapin’s Colombia Heritage Adoption Program connects families of Colombian descent living throughout the United States with children awaiting adoption in Colombia.

Children in need of adoption

  • Gender: Male and Female*
  • Race/Ethnicity: Colombian, Afro-Colombian, Mestizo Colombian*
  • Ages: 1-10 years old at the time of referral, including siblings between the ages of 2-10 years old.
  • Special Characteristics: Children adopted through this program may have no identified special needs and a potential for normal growth and development.

*Families are not permitted to race specify.  Families should be open to being matched with a child of either gender.

Adoptive Parent Eligibility

  • Applicants applying to this program must have a Cedula (a Colombia ID).  For partnered/married applicants, only one applicant must have a Cedula.
  • Age*: Families 25-50 years must be open to a minimum specified age range of 0-5 years old at the time of referral, or a sibling group of two, 0-6 years old. Families 51-54 years old are eligible to adopt one child ages 6-9 years old at the time of referral, or a sibling group of two where the oldest child is 7-9 years old.
  • *For Heritage families – Colombia requires that there is no more than a 45-year age gap between the age of the child and the age of the eldest prospective adoptive parent.
  • Marital Status: Colombia encourages applications from single persons, married couples, heterosexual and LGBTQ parents living throughout the United States. Individuals with more than one divorce should consult with Spence-Chapin.
  • Single applicants must hold U.S. citizenship. For partnered/married applicants, only one applicant must hold U.S. citizenship.
  • Medical: Identified medical conditions, including mental health diagnosis, will be considered on a case by case basis by the country’s Central Authority, Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar.

Wait Time & Travel

  • Predicted wait time to be matched with a child: Approximately 12-24 months after dossier submission.
  • Travel: In order to complete the adoption process, families will be required to make one trip to Colombia of approximately 4-6 weeks in length. Couples must both travel to country and be present for finalization in court.

* There is no wait time to be matched for families pursuing the adoption of a waiting child. Families pursuing the adoption of a waiting child can anticipate the entire process to take 12-18 months. Families seeking to adopt a specific waiting child should be previously home studied or be willing to undergo additional pre-screening before entering the program since dossier submission must occur within 6 months of submitting a letter of intent to adopt a specific waiting child.


Our podcast, Adoption Talk by Spence-Chapin, brings you stories and conversations on all topics related to adoption. Check out our episodes that are focused on international adoption today!

Family Stories

Read program updates and stories about Spence-Chapin families adopting from Colombia on our blog.

Waiting Children

Visit our waiting child page to learn more about children currently awaiting their forever families.

Colombia Adoption Resources

Explore special needs resources for an adoption from Colombia.


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