Black History Month Celebrated with Javaka Steptoe

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On a sunny afternoon in February 2011, dozens of Spence-Chapin families gathered to celebrate Black History Month with noted author/illustrator Javaka Steptoe.

The families, all part of the African-American Parents Advisory Committee (AAPAC), were abuzz with excitement as they waited for direction. Steptoe was there to guide the group through a collage-making activity. The goal would be to create a piece of art that would convey the richness of Spence-Chapin’s work and the cultural mosaic it has formed through its African-American adoption program.

Working with wood blocks, the families created images of themselves using photos, colored paper, markers and paint.  Once completed, Steptoe took each block and  “wove” them together to form a “quilt” depicting the many faces of AAPAC.

Steptoe delivered the final wood-based collage this winter. The AAPAC families chose to dedicate it to Spence-Chapin where it now hangs in the main conference room in honor of past Executive Director Kathy Legg.

— Submitted by Traci Lester

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