Spence-Chapin Earns HRC Foundation’s “All Children – All Families” Seal of Recognition

gI 151929 Spence Chapin HRC Seal Presentation

Every child deserves a family. It’s a notion that has always driven the very concept of adoption. Connecting children with permanent homes, deep parental love, and a lifelong sense of security — that’s why we do what we do.

Spence-Chapin has a proud history of building families with partnered same-sex couples and LGBT singles.  We are fully committed to equality in adoption and are proud of the many children we have placed in loving, stable, same-sex households. Working with the Human Rights Campaign was a honor. HRC lead our team through a comprehensive framework to meet specific benchmarks that help further develop our welcoming, supportive and affirmative atmosphere for LGBT foster and adoptive parents. The end result was meeting the required criteria for fully inclusive policies and practices in working with the LGBT community and earning the HRC All Children – All Families” Seal of Recognition.

The “All Children – All Families” initiative, launched in 2007, promotes policies and practices that welcome LGBT foster and adoptive parents. The program seeks to enhance LGBT cultural competence among child welfare professionals and educate LGBT people about opportunities to become foster or adoptive parents to waiting children. To date, ACAF has over 60 participating agencies across the country, and has awarded 34 seals of recognition.

To find out more contact us at

212-400-8150 or email us at [email protected].
