The Child Who Struggles: Does your child require additional support to succeed in school?

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It is natural for parents to be concerned if a child is struggling to succeed in school.   For many children, learning difficulties can be corrected with extra support on a short-term basis. However, children with learning disabilities may continue struggling even with additional support and attention.  Typically, learning disabilities become apparent in elementary school when a child struggles in more than one subject area.
In simple terms, a learning disability results from a difference in the way a person’s brain processes information. Children with learning disabilities are intelligent and capable, like their peers; however, they may have difficulty reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, and/or organizing information and following along with lessons in a classroom setting.

If you suspect that your child has a learning disability, don’t despair. With early detection and support, children with learning disabilities can thrive. Early intervention is key in order to prevent a child from falling behind, but it’s never too late.

Parents can help children with learning disabilities achieve success by educating themselves about how learning disabilities affect children, encouraging their child’s strengths, knowing their child’s weaknesses, understanding the educational system and available resources, working with professionals, and learning about strategies for dealing with specific difficulties. Often times taking these steps can seem overwhelming, but even incremental actions have a positive effect.

Please join us for a collaborative workshop by the Modern Family Center at Spence-Chapin and Saldana Haas LLP to learn more about supporting your child’s education and addressing your questions related to this topic. We will help you develop a plan and identify resources for assistance, how to advocate for your child in the school setting, and look at how you can monitor your child’s progress.

About Saldana Haas LLP

Saldana Haas is a law firm dedicated to special education. Our mission is to empower and advocate for children with special needs and their families. We are committed to helping all families regardless of their ability to pay for legal representation. Our attorneys work to ensure that every child is provided the support necessary to be successful in school.

To find out more contact us at

212-400-8150 or email us at [email protected].
