Celebrate Roma Culture at the Gypsy Festival


For a fresh, modern take on Romani culture, don’t miss the events during the  8th Annual New York Gypsy Festival, starting September 8th and running through the 30th.
This festival celebrates the Romani diaspora, a people widely spread throughout the world, to transcend barriers of location, language, and status, for a true celebration of roots and ethnicity in music, art, and dance.

The film screening of A People Uncounted, a 2011 documentary about the Roma will surely be a festival highlight. It uncovers the rich, and sometimes painful, history of the Roma, who, now, are commonly referred to as Gypsies. The critically acclaimed, feature-length film was directed by Aaron Younger and edited by Kurt Engefh.

The Gypsy Festival will present a special screening of this film on Tuesday, September 18th @ 6:00pm

Watch a preview for A People Uncounted, here:

To find out more contact us at

212-400-8150 or email us at [email protected].
