Collaborating to promote best practice in child welfare, family services, and adoption.
Let us collaborate with your organization to promote clinical best practice for families and permanency for children:
We offer virtual or on-site trainings to professionals. Our trainings are crafted through an adoption competent and trauma- informed lens. We can provide training on one particular topic or combine topics for multi-day curriculums based on your agency’s needs. Our current library of trainings include:
1. Trauma and its Impact on Child Development
2. Grief and Loss for Children
3. Attachment and Bonding
4. Openness in Relationships
5. Typical Childhood and Adolescent Development
6. Permanency Planning in the Context of the Child Welfare System
7. Tools to Help Therapists Working in Foster Care or Adoption
8. Supporting Those Considering Adoption as their Path to Parenthood
If you are planning your own training or workshop but need a space where you can facilitate the event, let us host your event!
Talk to us about applying for CEUs for our trainings.
We are also available to provide direct services to children through workshops such as:
We can also develop workshops for the children, birth parents, foster parents or adoptive parents that your agency serves.
Finding permanency involves adjustments and understanding of the child’s emotional needs. This type of coaching promotes attachment and helps a child recover from their trauma background. We will give parents tools to aid in this process. The themes we cover are:
Teachers and staff in the school community play an essentialrole in a child’s life and are integral in ensuring that children feel understood, respected and safe at school. We offer workshops and trainings virtually or on-site at schools to prepare educators to create an inclusive community for students who have diverse family structures, how to craft assignments sensitive to all family structures, and how to respond in instances of bullying. We can also offer workshops for parents or students. Our training and workshop topics include:
1. Adoption in Schools: Creating a Supportive Environment
2. Finding the Right Words for Tough Conversations
3. Language that Affirms Diverse Family Structures
We respect the tremendous and valuable role that attorneys play in adoption – from representing birth parents’ rights, to supporting pre-adoptive families in match and placement, to representing adoptive families at finalization. We provide the following services to complement your work with your clients:
We value the opportunity to collaborate with other adoption agencies to support families and to further best practices in adoption. There are numerous ways we can work together, including:
Free In-Service Presentations for your Organization Staff:
We’ve provided in-service presentations for hundreds of organizations on how to support expectant and biological parents considering and/or making an adoption plan for their baby. Trainings are free and can be in-person or virtual, depending on your staff’s needs.
In these presentations, staff will learn:
Free Continuing Education Programs for Licensed Social Workers:
In Partnership with Rutgers School of Social Work, we provide cutting-edge continuing education programs on various topics in child welfare throughout the year.
To register or learn more please visit: Resources & Support for Unplanned Pregnancy (
All our events are free to attend.
Request free print brochures on our services for expectant/biological parents by emailing [email protected]
Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Bengali and Arabic
For Options Counseling and Referrals for expectant/biological parents, please call our helpline 24/7.
All information provided is free, confidential and unbiased.
Licensed and authorized in New York, New Jersey & Arizona