Colombia Program January 2012 Update

Two exciting updates from Instituto Colombiano de Beinestar Familiar (ICBF): Spence-Chapin was re-accredited by ICBF this past summer and the organization has recently appointed a new Director General, Diego Molano Aponte. Molano Aponte was the Presidential Advisor for Social Action and has been one of the pioneers of the Social Action Programs and Red States in Colombia. In addition, he leads the Government’s efforts to eradicate poverty.
Spence-Chapin is currently exploring a unique summer host-to-adopt program for children 8 and older.  If you believe that an older child (or siblings) would be good fit for your family, this could be an opportunity for you.  We believe in the resiliency and adoptability of older children who are in need of permanent and loving homes.  For more information, please call 212-400-8150.


Cultural Events

Dia de los Reyes Magos (aka Epiphany) is celebrated on January 6, 2012.  This is a national holiday celebrated in Colombia and officially marks the end of the holiday season.  It is a commemoration of the day when the three kings arrive with their gifts. 

To find out more contact us at

212-400-8150 or email us at [email protected].
