Mentor Spotlight: Meet Patricia


Mentor Spotlight: Meet MeeJin

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Mentee Spotlight: Meet Holley

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Mentor Spotlight: Meet Sydney

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Mentor Spotlight: Meet Andrew

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Mentor Spotlight:  Meet Dana

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Spence-Chapin’s Adoptive Family Playgroups

Christine Tangel web

Talking to Your Child About Adoption

Father Boy Mentor

What to Do After Finding Birth Relatives Through DNA Testing

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Noelle’s Adoption Journey — Part Three: Learning and Living Through Open Adoption

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Noelle’s Adoption Journey — Part Two: Finding the Perfect Family 

noelle fam

Noelle’s Adoption Journey — Part One: Where it All Started


Spence-Chapin Services to Families & Children Opening First Arizona Office

AZ Press Release Post

Meet Isabella: From Unexpected Labor to Placement Day

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Meet Martha: From Orphanage to University with THRIVE

Spring Appeal Social Post Martha 1

FAQ for our New Parenthood Series: LGBTQ+ Parents Group

LGBTQ+ Parents

Highlighting the True Spirit of Collaboration: Our recent visitors from South Africa & Colombia


How We Advocate for Children Through Our Waiting Child Program 

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